Case studies



Over time as technology has evolved around the logistics industry, business models have sometimes remained stagnant resulting in sales goals that don’t meet expectations. Business owners in the industry say that their current compliance and lead generation models require a lot of nurturing for successful sales enablement, but that it’s imperative to keep pace with the market.

When partnering with a new company Flobile works together with them to design a path to success, finding where the gaps are in that path and filling in those missing areas. Over 10.5 billion tons of freight is transferred annually in the US, using over 3.6 million heavy-duty trucks operated by 3.5 million commercial drivers. Though Penske is one of the largest logistics companies nationally, operating in over 3,000 locations, they had trouble connecting with these potential prospects because they were working with outdated and inaccurate data.

Through repeated assessment and analysis of their current strategy, content and prospect data Flobile identified the missing links and connected the dots using their expertise and resources to create a custom path to success. Flobile verified, validated and cleansed their prospect data and implemented a data governance solution to make sure that data was kept up-to-date with continuous verification.

Flobile Solution Approach

Prospect Database Cleansing

Flobile’s team of data scientists verified and validated existing contacts with shops around the southern region and qualified them based on select criteria. Flobile also verified that all contact data was accurate before adding them to the CRM.

New Prospect Identification

Flobile worked with Penske to create a profile of their customers and then used that data as the basis to find new prospects for their sales teams.

Custom Dashboard

Flobile created a custom dashboard for the inside sales team to view complete prospect data with insights on existing and new prospect listings.


By providing data enablement on truck information for existing and new leads, Flobile was able to create a roadmap for continued growth and success. Flobile’s partnership resulted in:

  • 2x data enhancement

  • 100 hrs/month reduction in time spent on calls by the inside sales team

  • 200% increase in engagement rate


For effective and profitable growth, companies need to find a partner with expertise in handling quantitative and qualitative actionable tasks, and the resources to complete them within an aggressive timeframe. That relationship can be even more valuable when that partner has the experience to take data and combine it with a proven track record of success in digital marketing to drive those sales home. Flobile combines all of these abilities and more and is able to effectively incorporate them into current sales processes. Penske approached the process with an open mind and welcomed suggestions, and Flobile was able to provide them with positive sales results.

Ready to maximise the potential of your prospect leads?

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Case studies

Panera Bread

There are often blind spots in a business’s sales strategy, either from a lack of resources or lack of support and those blind spots can lead to thousands of lost sales per year. This is especially true when the Foodservice industry currently accounts for 51% of the family food dollar - more than double what it was in 1955.

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Case studies

Help Finding My Agent

It’s an inescapable fact there are unfilled niches in every market - some that are glaringly obvious and others that only seem that way after the niche is filled by a savvy entrepreneur. But the fact that only 56% of small businesses make it to their fifth year means it’s also often the case that successfully filling those niches requires more than just a website, a hope, and a prayer.

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Case studies

Merger and Acquisition Firm

Even with a successful company with a business model that works, it’s still possible to get results that don’t meet expectations. It’s a refrain often heard among business owners and can simply be indicative of a lack of experience or resources in a particular area like marketing or lead generation, or a could be a gap in strategy for things like lead nurturing or buyer enablement.

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