Logisti Workflow system is used by the trading logistics industry. Here the process of goods ordered by customers is managed through various phases such as order placement, goods receipt, dispatch request, shipping order, and shipment and delivery confirmation.
Manual process of workflow management.
No integration with ERP.
No support for quick scanning using QR Code or Bar Code.
No option for order tracking
Orders are managed through various phases such as order placement, goods receipt, dispatch request, shipping order, shipment, and confirmation.
All processes are carried out through the flow of the system.
Email confirmations to the customer, supplier, and users are triggered at each phase of the workflow
Merchandiser places an order to the Supplier - the Supplier ships the goods.
The supplied goods reach the Stores - the Stores transfer the goods to the Merchandiser.
The Merchandiser, based on a request from the Customer, creates a dispatch request.
The dispatch request goes to the Stores and the shipping vendor. Stores send the delivery request and the goods are shipped with the shipment order.
Various reports are available throughout the process to the supplier, customer, merchandiser, and other internal stakeholders.
Automated bar code and QR code reader
Integration with ERP
One single system for Supplier, Customer, Middlemen and Logistics departments
Tritek is a Legal Case Management Application primarily used for tracking client information and other legal evidence such as documents, images, audio and video files according to the case.
The Photo Imposition Tool was a workflow system developed for a photo printing business to enable automated imposition, printing, and delivery
This custom application provides decision support to medical litigation cases. The system has been developed in such a way that the data that is entered into the system, based on several criteria and conditions, generates reports for the attorneys that help them fight their cases.